SER MUJER: Local Women Entrepreneurs

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 - 10:00am
Charlotte Bell, Suzanna Martínez, Hilaria Ramírez, Patricia, Araceli Granada Rojas, Sophia Trapp & Zermeño Williams

Women from four entrepreneurial ventures talk about their work and how they are helping other women in their community. From Las Rancheritas, Charlotte Bell (Consultant) and Suzanna Martínez (Member) will discuss The Rug Hook Project; a co-op initiative that sells home-made art rugs. Hilaria Ramírez from Mujeres Productores de Montecillo, will discuss the all-women co-operative she founded, which sells natural, organic products. Patricia Zermeño Williams will talk about the plumbing company she started called ‘Better Call Patty.’ From the Lavender Project and Adelante Juntos por La Colorada, Sophia Trapp (Consultant) and Araceli Granada Rojas (Executive Director of ADC) will speak about their rural farming enterprise.




January 26, 2025 to February 4, 2025
Join us in an exciting visit to Cuba--a country committed to building socialism. We will learn about Cuba’s stunning accomplishments such as free health care and education, its collective production in agricultural and urban cooperatives, We will dialogue with leading thinkers about their visions... Read more

Upcoming Special Events

October 8, 2024 to October 10, 2024
An irreverent and "seriously funny" play by San Miguel playwright David Haddad

El Sindicato Community Cultural Center, Recreo #4
Doors open at 4:30. Show starts at 5PM
Tickets $150 MX.

Mankind has suffered from wars fought in the name of "God" throughout history. The spread of Islam through Jihad, the Christian Crusades against Muslim expansion,... Read more