“DuRand and Martinot pull no punches in this insightful analysis of the fundamental causes of our current crisis. If you’re looking for an interpretation of the geo-political world that is independent of the wooly-headed evasions of the conventional wisdom, read this book.”
Jeff Faux, founder of the Economic Policy Institute and author of The Global Class War and The Servant Economy: Where America’s Elite is Sending the Middle Class.
This collection of essays on corporations, globalization and the state addresses such key questions as:
- What role is the state (in both the North and South) playing in its own rollback and demise?
- How has the emergence of global production chains facilitated the emergence of a transnational capitalist class?
- Do states still serve the interests of the peoples they govern, or do they now primarily serve the interests of global transnational capital?
- How can the struggle for democracy be realized in a globalized state?
The contributors seek, in the context of the worldwide Occupy Wall Street movement, to analyse why and how democracy might be achieved in globalized states. The editors and contributors are long-time social activists approaching the issues from the perspective of the global South. This collection is unique in that it includes work from and about Cuba in relation to the impact of globalization.
Paperback: $19.95
Ebook: $16.00
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