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The Center for Global Justice
Research/Learning for a Better World & Empowering a Solidarity Economy
Alterglobalizations: Papers & Presentations
David Barkin
A Strategy to Create New Beneficiaries from World Trade
Ross Gandy
Is Imperialism Capitalist?
Betsy Bowman, Bob Stone
Cooperativization on the Mondragón Model As Alternative to Globalizing Capitalism
Social Organization as a Process for Change: Cooperatives of the Yucatán and Campeche
George Caffentzis
A Tale of Two Conferences: Globalization, the Crisis of Neoliberalism and Question of the Commons
Sean Herlihy
Elite Stalemate & Workers' Control: Applying the Experiences of Nicaragua and Cuba to Argentina
Cliff Durand
Democracy and Struggles for Social Justice
Dr. Miguel Limia David
The Training of Activists in Local Development
Cliff DuRand
Neo-Liberalism and Globalization
Yolanda Millan
Mujeres Productoras – Women Producers of Cochineal and Nopal: “Ya Tsedi Behña”
Cliff DuRand
The New Imperialism
Graciela Monteagudo
From Trotsky to Puppets: Other Revolutions are Possible
Fred Evans, Barbara McCloskey
The New Solidarity: A Case Study of Cross-Border Labor Networks and Mural Art in the Age of Globalization
Adrian Ortega Guerrero
Groundwater Quality in the Independence Basin in Central Mexico: Implications for Regional Development
Ann Ferguson
Can Development Create Empowerment and Women’s Liberation?
Kathryn Russell
Unity Without Uniformity: Class, Heterogeneity, and Culture
Olga Fernández Ríos
Global Imperialism and Nation-States
Mario Saenz
From the Political Economy of Empire to the Latin American Philosophy of Dependency
Milton Fisk
Global Public Goods and Self-Interest
David Schweickart
Does Historical Materialism Imply Socialism?
Milton Fisk
The Roots of Poverty
Dana Silverman
A cooperative model of social development: Using the workplace for social and individual growth
Milton Fisk
What’s Wrong with ‘Global Justice’?
Karsten J. Struhl
Is Democracy a Universal Value? Whose Democracy?