The 1960s Civil Rights Movement

Monday, April 17, 2023 - 1:00pm
Cliff DuRand & Bob Stone

In commemoration of the life and legacy of Cliff DuRand, the Center for Global Justice is rebroadcasting some of Cliff's recent public talks. On January 30 of this year Cliff DuRand and Bob Stone kicked off Black History Month with a discussion of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. The decade started off with the Feb. 1 student sit-ins in Greensboro, North Carolina. They quickly spread to Woolworth’s lunch counters across the country. That was then followed by marches and sit-ins against segregated restaurants and freedom rides on public buses. Young people yearned to join the struggle by going South. This then sparked the free speech movement at Berkeley and eventually the womens' movement. As people came to feel empowered, they were able to transform what had been private troubles into public issues.

Cliff DuRand and Bob Stone were in the heart of the struggle. Cliff participated in sit-ins in Baltimore and Maryland’s Eastern Shore (often called ‘little Georgia’). Bob participated in the Mississippi Freedom Summer. Both were transformed by the experience of the movement.

Cliff DuRand was a founder and Research Associate of the Center for Global Justice and the Radical Philosophy Association. A retired Philosophy professor, he taught at historically Black Morgan State University in Baltimore where he was also a founder of the Progressive Action Center. You can read his obituary HERE.

Suggested donation: 
50 pesos


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