Reprise a webinar from August 2020: “Racism and Identity”

Monday, February 21, 2022 - 1:00pm
Linda Alcoff & Charles Mills

The problem of racism has captured public attention in the United States as tens of thousands of protesters fill the streets of every major city as well as many small towns. Largely peaceful protestors, Black and white, have persisted day after day, week after week, demanding systemic racism must end. And it’s not just police violence against Blacks, but racism in all aspects of the society that treat people of color unfairly so as to keep them at the bottom of society. The country is being called to a reckoning with its history.

The fact of the matter is that the United States was founded as a White nation. And while the society has gone on to become multicultural, including Blacks, native Americans, and various ethnic groups, they never enjoyed equal status. The mindset of a large number of USians remain White still today. Racism is not only built into the institutions of society, it is also built into the identity of whiteness. The racism of this White identity is now being challenged by the Black Lives Matter movement. What does it mean to be White? How is this White identity constituted and how does it lead to a denial of an equal humanity to the “Other”? We need a soul searching critique of whiteness if we are to ever overcome racism.

Two philosophers help us in this reflection. They are Charles Mills, author of The Racial Contract, and Linda Alcoff, author The Future of Whiteness. Black philosopher Mills argues that racial presuppositions are built into the very foundations of Western liberal thought. We don’t see White supremacy just as fish are not aware of water. Thus, without intending it Whites tend to dominate people of color. Latina philosopher Alcoff delves into racial as well as gender identities and how they shape the self. The ability of whiteness to define the national identity has been weakened, threatening the continued dominance by those who identify themselves as White.


June 15, 2025 to June 25, 2025
Join us in an exciting visit to Cuba--a country committed to building socialism. We will learn about Cuba’s stunning accomplishments such as free health care and education, its collective production in agricultural and urban cooperatives, We will dialogue with leading thinkers about their visions... Read more
March 3, 2025 to March 7, 2025

We will depart from San Miguel early in the morning to Patzcuaro, where we will spend three days. We will visit the most important buildings and churches in Patzcuaro and also visit a number of nearby indigenous villages:

Upcoming Forums & Films

Monday, March 3, 2025 - 1:00pm
Omar S. Dahi
Join in person at the Hotel Quinta Loreto Community Room

Omar S. Dahi is Professor of Economics at Hampshire College and Founding Director of Security in Context, a research network on peace, conflict, and global affairs. He was born and raised in Syria and currently lives with his wife and two children in Amherst. Dahi has served as a lead expert on the United Nations Economic and Social... Read more

Monday, March 17, 2025 - 1:00pm
Harry Targ
Join in person at the Hotel Quinta Loreto Community Room

Behind the turmoil of the Ukraine and Israeli wars, tensions between the United States and China, African contestation over neo-colonial political, economic, and military influence, and US meddling in the politics of Latin America, there are fundamental forces in play that seek to rearrange and change the architectures of global social... Read more