Socialism in the 21st Century

Monday, August 24, 2020 - 1:00pm
Michael Lebowitz & Camila Pineiro Harnecker

The idea of socialism has gained great popularity as an alternative to capitalism, particularly among the young. In the last century it was conceived as a state directed economy.  Today Leftists are rethinking socialism afresh, with a focus on a resilient civil society as the foundation. This emphasizes democratic participation at the grass roots and a state that facilitates popular autonomy. That at least is one version.

Michael Lebowitz and Camila Pineiro Harnecker discuss these issues. Lebowitz is a Marxist economist who was an advisor in Venezuela during the Chavez government.  He has authored several books, among which is The Socialist Alternative: Real Human Development and has a new one coming out soon:  Between Capitalism and Community. Camila Pineiro is a Cuban social scientist who is a prominent advocate of cooperatives in socialist construction. She put together the volume Cooperatives and Socialism: A View from Cuba. Dario Azzellini, who, due to technical difficulties, was not able to speak, comes from the autonomist tradition. He has authored Communes and Workers Control in Venezuela: Building 21st Century Socialism from Below. 


June 15, 2025 to June 25, 2025
Join us in an exciting visit to Cuba--a country committed to building socialism. We will learn about Cuba’s stunning accomplishments such as free health care and education, its collective production in agricultural and urban cooperatives, We will dialogue with leading thinkers about their visions... Read more
April 7, 2025 to April 11, 2025
Join us for an amazing trip to the old mining town of Zacatecas which was founded in 1546 after the discovery of silver deposits in the area by 4 Spaniards who risked their lives looking for gold, but instead ended up finding silver. This remote territory was inhabited by indigenous Zacateco... Read more

Upcoming Forums & Films

Monday, March 17, 2025 - 1:00pm
Harry Targ
Join in person at the Hotel Quinta Loreto Community Room

Behind the turmoil of the Ukraine and Israeli wars, tensions between the United States and China, African contestation over neo-colonial political, economic, and military influence, and US meddling in the politics of Latin America, there are fundamental forces in play that seek to rearrange and change the architectures of global social... Read more