On Friday night, March 17, our dear friend and compañero Cliff DuRand passed away following a sudden and brief illness. He died at home in bed. His wife Julie and his two dogs--Happy and Princess--were at his side as was his wish.
The Center for Global Justice will honor and celebrate his life and legacy and will continue his work and struggle for a better world.
Cliff was an honorary professor at the University of Havana. He introduced literally thousands of people to Cuba and its hope for humanity and the world. He was a teacher to all of us.
La lucha continua and, as Cliff always said, "Venceremos."
Please share your thoughts and remembrances of Cliff DuRand in the Comments section below.
Instead of flowers or cards, please CLICK HERE
to make a special contribution in honor of Cliff DuRand
to the Center for Global Justice
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