Community Builder Workshop: The New Face of Power- Daring to Build the Co-Creative Community

Carol Aubrey

The wielding of power has determined much of what has gone before in civilization, and it will determine future dynamics of community as well. We know that in the past power has been misused to oppress and dominate. Expressed as outer power over others, or more accurately, force over others, its goals have been to separate, weaken and exploit.

What is the new face of power emerging globally? The 21 st century urges us to participate in a radical shift in how we view each other and how we relate to our global community. How do we move from outer power over others to an understanding that power need not be expressed and experienced at the expense of others? What are the dynamics of a co-creative community?

Albert Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems in the same state of consciousness in which we created them.” In this workshop we will allow the transformative thinking that lurks within each of us to arise. What are we birthing? What do we choose to envision as the expression of our individual and collective power? How do we get there? Topics addressed include:

– seeing change in an evolutionary context: why old structures of

dominance are breaking down and what is now breaking through;

– moving fully into inclusiveness and diversity;

– the need for clarity and vigilance as we come together in community;

– why you are essential: honoring your mission and everybody else’s;

-connecting in synergistic ways to meet each other’s needs;

– exploring the relationship inherent in co-creating;

– creating the new blueprint/emerging models of community.