Raíces de la Crisis Civilizatoria y Alternativas Viables

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 - 3:00pm
con Educación Colaborativa
José Andrés Fuentes González

A nivel global vivimos una época de crisis generalizada, patente en todas las áreas de la vida: ambiental, económica, social, política, educativa, alimentaria, de salud, demográfica, epistémica y existencial. Es la crisis civilizatoria que atravesamos como humanidad y que pone en riesgo el equilibrio ecosistémico planetario y el mundo tal como lo conocemos>

Muchas personas nos sentimos inmersas en un sistema económico globalizado--capitalista y patriarcal--sin salida; parecería que cualquier intento por frenar la gran locomotora del capital resulta en recesión, desempleo y crisis social, por lo que resulta mejor mantener el rumbo y la velocidad, aunque el precipicio esté cada vez más cerca.

Esto genera desesperanza y frustración ya que pareciera que no hay nada que se pueda hacer. Al contrario, no sólo hay mucho posible por hacer, sino también hay muchísimo que ya se está haciendo. Las alternativas que buscamos no están en ese otro mundo posible abstracto y futuro, sino en este otro mundo que ya existe; no como alternativas últimas ni finales, sino como procesos en construcción. Pero para poder observar ese otro mundo existente, debemos ajustar nuestra propia mirada. Y es por eso que nuestra forma de conocer la realidad juega un papel trascendental.


June 15, 2025 to June 25, 2025
Join us in an exciting visit to Cuba--a country committed to building socialism. We will learn about Cuba’s stunning accomplishments such as free health care and education, its collective production in agricultural and urban cooperatives, We will dialogue with leading thinkers about their visions... Read more
March 3, 2025 to March 7, 2025

We will depart from San Miguel early in the morning to Patzcuaro, where we will spend three days. We will visit the most important buildings and churches in Patzcuaro and also visit a number of nearby indigenous villages:

Upcoming Forums & Films

Monday, February 3, 2025 - 1:00pm
José Alfredo Gutiérrez Falcón
Join in person at the Hotel Quinta Loreto Community Room

While much of the world is shifting to the right, Mexico is moving in a progressive direction. In 2018, the electoral victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador of the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA party) initiated "The Fourth Transformation" which is working, against entrenched opposition,... Read more

Monday, February 17, 2025 - 1:00pm
Joe Belden
Join in person at the Hotel Quinta Loreto Community Room

Manifest destiny was the belief that westward expansion of the US from 13 Atlantic colonies to the Pacific was natural, predetermined, and even divinely ordained. But were Indians, Mexicans, and the buffalo just in the way? This lecture will briefly examine and discuss such events as our expulsion and removal of Indian tribes; the US... Read more

Monday, March 3, 2025 - 1:00pm
Omar S. Dahi
Join in person at the Hotel Quinta Loreto Community Room

Omar S. Dahi is Professor of Economics at Hampshire College and Founding Director of Security in Context, a research network on peace, conflict, and global affairs. He was born and raised in Syria and currently lives with his wife and two children in Amherst. Dahi has served as a lead expert on the United Nations Economic and Social... Read more