Another World is Necessary: Decisions

20 members attendingBusiness Meeting of Center for Global Justice, July 26, 2006

Summary: The July 19-26 Workshop “Another World Is Necessary” generated the following five or six Working Groups: Worker Control; Popular Education; Environment; Nation-state/Imperialism/Democracy (NID); Cuba/US studies; Mexican Migration.   These are open to and invite further members.  These Working Groups will continue in cyberspace the discussions of the 2006 Workshop with the aim of eventually developing publishable results (books, articles, or other popular educational materials) of service to the social movements of our time.

The Nicaragua Network invited the Center for Global Justice to wrap its 2007 conference around the Nicanet conference in Managua on July 22-24, 2007.  While this offer was greatly appreciated, it was decided to not put our energies into a conference in 2007.  The Center will however send a delegation to the Nicanet conference in Managua.

The Center will have its next Workshop in 2008.  In 2007, instead of an open conference, the members of the Working Groups will gather in San Miguel de Allende to continue their discussions in face-to-face dialog and will publish the results in the Center’s web site.  This is to be coordinated with the 2007 Summer Internship Program and will include one public seminar for each group.

Peggy and Mike Rivage-Seul are preparing a plan for a five week internship program for the Summer of 2007 that will give academic credit through Berea College.  It will include students and faculty from the U.S., Cuba and Mexico.

It was decided to make the Center a site for dialog between North Americans and Cubans, given the reality that it has become almost impossible for such gatherings to be held in either the U.S. or Cuba.

Due to the fact that the 2006 Workshop ran a deficit of $2,600 USD, priority will be given to seeking grants and other fundraising for these and other projects as well as operating funds for the Center.