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The Center for Global Justice
Research/Learning for a Better World & Empowering a Solidarity Economy
Another World is Possible Conference - Papers & Presentations
Matthew Ally
Embodied Mind, Earth Ethics, and Grassroots Globalization: A Case Study in Popular Education
Colleen Mack-Canty
Environmentalism and Postcolonial Feminism: Examples of Third World Women’s Resistance
Yolanda Angulo
Therapeutic Philosophy: A Counseling Alternative for Women in Prison
Steve Martinot
What the Existence of Social Justice Movements Means
Assembly of Social Movements of the World Social Forum
The Bamako Appeal
Steve Martinot
The Nation State & Cuba's Alternative State
Debora Barrera Pontillo
Rites of Memory/ Rites of Healing
Steve Martinot
A Critique of the Bamako Appeal
Betsy Bowman, Bob Stone
World Social Forum at a Crossroads in Caracas: Fifth International or Solidarity Economy?
Dawn McCarty
What’s Missing in the U.S. Immigration Debate?
Gloria Carmona
Popular Education for Rural Women in Mexico: The National School for Leadership Training
Margaret A. McLaren
Citizenship, Democracy and Globalization
Regina Cochrane
“They Aren’t Really Poor:” Ecofeminism, Global Justice, and “Culturally-Perceived Poverty”
Rachel Newcomb
Failures of Solidarity, Failures of the Nation State: Moroccan Women’s NGOs
Mitchel Cohen
Towards a Green Approach to Health Care: The Capitalist System vs. The Immune System, and the fight for free universal health care in the United States
José Antonio Orosco
Pilgrimage, Penitence, and Revolution: Mexican Cultural Resources for Nonviolent Resistance in the Thought of Cesar Chavez
Silvia Elguea
Environmental Ethics and the Poor
Raul Rodriguez Rodriguez
The Historical Influence of Cuban Nationalism on the Resistance of U.S. Blockade
Ann Ferguson
Women Organizing for Global Justice
Andrés Ruggeri
The Worker-Recovered Enterprises in Argentina: The Political and Socioeconomic Challenges of Self-Management
Milton Fisk
What’s Wrong with ‘Global Justice’?
Karsten J. Struhl
Is Globalization the Problem?
Ross Gandy
Four Theses on Revolutionary History
Jorge Tadeo Vargas
Environmental education and citizen participation as tools for community action for local and global change
John L. Hammond
Choices for the World Social Forum
Javier Villanueva
What is the Struggle against Neoliberalism?
Stephen Kurtz
Life imprisonment: One is a Tragedy
Arthur Yarish
Migration in the Context of Global Capitalism – Class, Race and Gender
Bob Leonard
Illusions and Realities of Sustainable Development
Elena Yehia
Towards decolonizing encounters with social movements’ decolonizing knowledges and practices
Dr. Rosa López-Oceguera
Social Justice in the Intersection of History, Culture and Politics: The Universalization of Higher Education in Cuba
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